Home Expert Q&A Beat Overwhelm, Cleanse Your Space and Embrace the Art of True Forgiveness.

Beat Overwhelm, Cleanse Your Space and Embrace the Art of True Forgiveness.


Answering your burning questions about spirituality in everyday life.

It’s Anna from Tung Chung. I noticed that over the past 2 months, I’ve been feeling tired and down around my home. I believe it’s negative energy. How can I protect myself and my home?

Hi Anna, it’s great that you observed this shift in energy and feel that it could be some negative energy. Our homes, like people and other objects, are always buzzing with energy.
Cleansing your home is important, especially as your family spends a lot of time there, and there are very easy ways to do so. Keep your home as clutter free as possible and ensure that you regularly clean the corners as energy tends to stay in these areas.

“Using positive affirmations, prayers and doing regular meditations in your home, can bring in beautiful energies.’

If you find it hard to concentrate then you may also consider asking a professional energy cleanser to do a home cleansing for you remotely, or in person.
There are other resources to use such as salt, sage and incense, that gives a cleansing effect immediately, and can boost your strong, positive intentions to cleanse your space. Ensure that if you are using salt or crystals as cleansing tools, that these are recharged or thrown away, as they are well known for pulling in negative energies.

Hi, I’m Tasha from TST. I recently moved to Hong Kong and made some new friends. I noticed that I feel bad when they are talking about their lives, and I find myself comparing my achievements to theirs. How can I stop feeling this way? I feel resentful towards my friends even though I know it’s wrong.

Hi Tasha, I can understand that you are adjusting to having new friends and it can bring up some issues when you are getting to know them and finding your place. It can be difficult to be bombarded by people talking about their achievements, if we are feeling a bit low about our own.
“Comparison is a thief of joy, and an act of violence against oneself.”

Comparison is often a sign that we are experiencing low self-esteem, because we haven’t learned to value what makes us unique.
Try to view it as a sign that you have more room to grow with self-love and self-appreciation, rather than project it towards your friends. It helps to write down a list of things you are proud of about yourself, and you can ask some friends who have known you for a long time to help.
The more you appreciate yourself and understand that each person has a unique journey, the more you will be able to hold space and celebrate others without having to feel bad about it.

Hi, I’m Vindika from North Point. I am a super busy mum and I’m getting worried about having guests over the next month because I usually burn out and make myself sick. Do you have any tips on how to stay calm and not get overwhelmed?

Thank you for this question Vindika because a lot of mums may relate to this.
We tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves as Mums and when we have guests because we want to make sure everything is perfect! The key here is to recognise your patterns so you can plan ahead to avoid this burn out feeling.

“You are important as a Mum, and taking care of yourself is a top priority, which benefits everyone around you.”

As a Mum who gets overwhelmed, it’s important to recognise if it’s easy to ask for help and if you can receive it. Use this as a time to plan things out and let go of what cannot be done. You are human too and it’s better to embrace the reality that you can’t make sure everything is perfect, and everyone is happy.
It is also important to take care of yourself and make this a priority during busy times. We often make excuses to avoid our self-care when we are busy, and ironically, it is the most important time for Mums to fill their own cups.
Try to do simple things like walking, getting some fresh air, listening to your favourite music or spending some time in nature to clear your mind and body before throwing yourself into the multi-tasking Mum mode. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup!

Hi, it’s Rishi from Kowloon. I will be spending time with my in-laws over the next month and I’m not looking forward to it. We had an argument a few months ago and I still feel like I can’t forgive them. My wife will be upset if there is tension between us. What should I do?

Thanks for this question Rishi. I’m sure this is causing you some anxiousness over what the situation will be like. It’s natural to have disagreements which can lead to arguments when we are around people who may not share the same values and similarities as us.
It’s great that you are thinking ahead about how your spouse feels, and I encourage you to use this as motivation to work towards forgiveness for yourself and your family too. We can often get stuck in the loop of wanting to be right, while overlooking the important things like how limited our time is, or how making good memories can mean more to the person we love.
This is not in any way invalidating how you feel, however, by working towards forgiveness, you can also give yourself the gift of letting this go and feeling anxious about future meetings. The beauty of it is that you don’t need anyone’s permission to forgive someone and let it go.
“Forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past.”
This allows you to stay present and not to carry negativity into your future interactions. It may not be perfect, but your wife will notice that you aren’t feeling tense around her parents, and this will certainly be great for you too.



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