Let Go and Fly



    Sometimes we don’t realize the burden of the mental baggage that we are carrying. The baggage could be – our ignorance, pain from past experiences, attachments, expectations, wrong habits, limiting beliefs and people’s opinions. Only when we pack up of these old ways, we can accommodate new ways of thinking, behaving and being. On the journey of life, it is wise to travel light, carrying only what is needed. This applies to emotional baggage too. We tend to carry hurtful past – disappointments, wrong habits, pains and fears. Letting go creates space for new ways of thinking, behaving and being. Follow these steps to let go of any unnecessary emotional baggage:

    • When your mind is disturbed, check what it is thinking. It may be about the past or future. Direct it into the present.

    • Choose a right response in every scene. No blaming, judging or criticizing others.

    • Even if someone betrayed you, hurt was your creation. If the mind questions, Why did they do this to me, create thoughts, I let go …I understand people…I accept them… I face situations with stability.

    • No one and nothing belongs to you. Everything has come as per your karmic accounts. So let go of attachments or resentments about yourself, people and situations. Repeat these affirmations daily to have a stress-free mind. You start connecting to your original self, as you remove the layers of negativity. There will be inner space to accommodate and activate your original qualities of happiness, love and compassion. A Short Affirmative Meditation I am a happy being … I shift from one scene to the next … with ease … I stay in the present … I let go of my old habits of blaming … worrying … criticizing… the scene does not stay on my mind… I focus on people’s goodness … I have compassion for them … their behaviour does not stay on my mind … I travel light … on this journey of life.

    7 Practical Benefits of Meditation

    1. Meditation is a beautiful exercise of the mind in which we connect with the spiritual self or soul and experience its qualities. Also, in meditation we connect with God – the Supreme Soul and imbibe His qualities inside us.
    2. The more we meditate, the more positive, pure and powerful we become. Our thoughts, feelings and attitudes undergo immense positive change.
    3. Meditation builds our emotional immunity and inner strength and keeps us protected from different negative situations of life.
    4. It also enables us to discover the self and God more and come closer to both of them and create a beautiful relationship with them.
    5. Spiritual wisdom also becomes easier to understand when we meditate regularly and meditation makes us an embodiment of spiritual wisdom. We learn new and creative ways of thinking and our belief systems change from ones based on body consciousness to ones based on soul consciousness.
    6. Meditation is a gift that God offers us at the present time and He himself teaches us its technique so that we souls get uplifted and create new realities in life. These new realities are little heavens filled with peace, love and joy in our homes, workplaces and in every other sphere of life.
    7. Our mental and physical health becomes more beautiful, our inner and outer personality improves and our efficiency and accuracy in every action becomes higher. And very importantly, our relationships become free from conflicts and filled with good wishes, respect and co-operation. We start earning wealth with more honesty, cleanliness and success.


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    BK Bindu Patel Senior Raja Yoga Meditation Practitioner & Teacher Sister Bindu Patel (widely known as Bindu Ben) has been a senior Rajayoga Practitioner and Teacher for more than 30 years now. She is the Centre-In Charge of the Kowloon Centre of the Raja Yoga Centre Limited Hong Kong. She was initiated into the Brahma Kumaris path of knowledge at the early age of 10. Right from this early age, she showed a keen liking for meditation. Sister Bindu’s spiritual life entered a new phase when she was asked to move to Mumbai in 1991. She was given the responsibility of coordinating the management of multiple centres in this Financial and Entertainment capital of India. Based on her success in India, Sister Bindu was asked to take up an international assignment in 2011, as the Centre In Charge for the Kowloon Centre in Hong Kong. Starting from a small beginning, the Kowloon Centre today has expanded into a large centre, with the premises fully owned by the Brahma Kumaris and also the establishment of a sub-centre in Tung Chung, in the New Territories of Hong Kong. Sister Bindu has been involved in several key activities in the Brahma Kumaris organization, including: • Managing the creation of a several popular musical albums of the Brahma Kumaris • Creation of a documentary on the 60th anniversary of the Brahma Kumaris services in Mumbai, India • Key role in the Community-Reach-Out services for Prisons, Old Age Homes and Orphanages • Services to celebrities in the Indian film industry


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