Home Astrology Weekly prediction from 7th March 2022 to 13th March 2022  

Weekly prediction from 7th March 2022 to 13th March 2022  


The Tarot embodies a symbolical presentation of universal ideas, behind which lies all the implicit of the human mind. It is an incredible, beautiful and powerful tool which is used from the 15th century to get clarity of the situation and it’s still here to stay to bless us.

Dear Readers, before you scroll down please choose the chocolate you would like to have  Observe with which you relate, connect and find it attractive in sense of calling you or simply choose by number 1,2,3 with which number you comfortably connecting.




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Dear Group one,

The one who has chosen KitKat, I would say then this week you would literally like to have a break from socializing.

An end to difficult times, particularly if you have recently suffered a major financial hit or job loss. You may find new sources of income, a new job, or someone has offered to help you out while you get back on your feet. You may be starting to feel as if life is worth living again and regaining your self-confidence. Finally, you can see a way out of your financial difficulties and your hope is renewed.

You may feel as though something is missing or entirely out of place but are struggling to put your finger on what it might be. You may also feel isolated and alone, even in the company of many people. On deeper reflection, you may come to realise that you have placed too much emphasis on your material wealth and have neglected your spiritual well-being. On the one hand, you may question whether you are ‘enough’ – whether your skills are valuable, whether you can charge higher prices or ask for a pay raise, or whether you can attract the right people into your life. You may be under-charging for your services, working for free or accepting a lower salary than you should. Know that you deserve to be wealthy.

you will celebrate the achievement of a personal goal, for example, quitting smoking, or doing yoga for 30 days in a row. You do not feel compelled to proclaim this achievement to others, instead choosing to create your own special reward for the hard work you put in. You may also be in the midst of your journey and yet to reach the finish line, hence preferring to honour this mini-milestone privately. When you finally do arrive at the finish line, it’ll be worth celebrating with friends and family. Follow the spiritual path be bless. 

Dear group two,

The ones who has chosen Ferrero Rocher, I would like to say stay away from the people whom you think they not your well-wishers. There can be a feeling of bullied.

The card suggests that you may find comfort in sharing your struggles with others within a group environment. There will be others who have experienced something similar and who can show you the way to freedom from your troubles. Let them guide you and help you – rise together. You are close to reaching a significant stage in your journey. You have reviewed and evaluated your past experiences and have learned from them. All the pieces of the puzzle of your life are finally coming together to form one, unified picture of your life story. This integration has healed deep wounds, and you are now able to put the past behind you.

In a general context, other card represents- deception, lies, trickery, cheating and lack of conscience, mental manipulation, It can be dangerous or risky behaviour, daring, courage and staying ahead of the game.  Expect to see an increase in ‘haters’, trolls and people who disagree with you. You will need to secure your territory and fight for what you stand for.  Follow the path of integrity and the game is yours. Stay bless. 

Dear group three,

The ones who has chosen snickers, I would like to say it’s a week about your planning on finances.

Since the card rule the material realm and correspond to the element of earth, this Page symbolises awareness of the value of money, wealth, possessions, career, and physical health, and how to manifest more of these material blessings. You welcome new opportunities to your material life – a new job, a new business, or a financial windfall – and wish to discover how to turn your dreams into reality. 

You may also be inclined to make a loan to someone on the premise that they will eventually pay you back once they are back on their feet. This is a loan built on trust and good faith, knowing that if you give something away, it will come back to you. Remember, though, that this exchange is more about a short-term fix and not a sustainable solution. So, think about how you can financially support your family or friends in a way that encourages them towards self-sufficiency.

 You may have recently changed your work, education or financial circumstances, and now you are applying your sheer determination and concentration to master the new skill that you are learning. You will work your way towards mastery of your craft and you will create success. Stay bless.





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