Home Beauty & Health Tailoring your New Year’s Resolutions

Tailoring your New Year’s Resolutions


New Year resolutions are a cliché, but who said clichés are bad? Making a resolution is a great way to set goals and then venture out to accomplish them. Problem is, most of us start with off brimming with enthusiasm, which fizzles out by the end of the month. Taking the first step is the hardest so this year we have decided to help you stay on course and hit that gratifying target.

1. A healthy diet > A crash diet

Image courtesy: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/90494273739700448/?lp=true

One of the most common resolutions is to lose weight. Some choose to go on crash diets and some do extreme workouts until the next wedding or festival and then all is forgotten. Instead, here is what you can do. Make a simple change like adding fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables to your diet, walk a little more than usual, what better place than Hong Kong to do that!

Being healthy also means being preventive. You know that body health check up you have been putting off? Go ahead and book that right now and then continue reading.

2. Try something new

Now that you have booked that appointment. What don’t you keep that momentum going? From the top of your mind, what is the first thing you have been wanting to try for a while? It could be a new cuisine, a new look or a new sport, let 2019 be the year you try at least one new thing. Because trying new things is the best way to discover yourself and it’s never too early to embark on that journey.

3. Making more money
At the risk of sounding like your parent I have to say, money saved is money earned. So just pick one big-ticket item that you don’t really need and cut that off. It could be drinking out, or buying new shoes or switching to a cheaper phone plan. Once you have enough saved you can keep that aside for a rainy day splurge it away, it is your hard earned money after all.

Image courtesy: http://pinckneygriffin.com/7-ways-to-extra-cash/

3. Spread happiness

Happiness is the root cause of everything we do. We buy presents, we throw parties, and we even scrub the floors to make the people we love happy. My question is why do we stop there? Happiness isn’t always materialistic; sometimes saying a simple ‘thank you for your service’ can brighten up someone’s day. You don’t have to go out of your way, but whenever possible- spread the joy. It starts with a happy heart and wholesome smile on your face. Remember if people around you are happy it will make your life easier.

4. Save the (your) planet

Reduce, reuse and recycle was the motto of my favourite superhero growing up- Captain Planet. People in Hong Kong are great at recycling but that’s not enough. Most popular coffee chains give an HKD 4 discount if you bring your own coffee cup and still most people choose disposable cups. Apart from that plastic bags and cutlery are still a very common sight. We can easily reduce this problem by using reusable items.

Image courtesy: http://onlineresize.club/news-club.html

If you take pride in saying you recycle, think again. Do you know how much energy goes into recycling? Well, a lot! An easy solution is to upcycle. Everything from old CDs to wine bottle can be upcycled. People on YouTube and Pinterest have made a living from sharing their ideas. The ideas are free and so is most of the raw material, so what’s stopping you from trying?

6. Talk more

Mobile phones came around when I was 10, by the time I reached college the social media revolution had already started. But I still remember the days where we did not have Google to answer our questions and instant messaging was an alien term. As much as I love social media (I have a blog, YouTube channel and an account on almost every outlet) I still love talking and shaking hands and hugging the people I love. Video calls are great, but face-to-face conversations are even better. So this year communicate vocally and not just by text. It’s absolutely free and more fun than you would imagine.

Image courtesy: http://bcnrm.blogspot.com/2013/02/can-we-talkface-to-face.html

7. Spread the love

How often do you tell people you love them? If the answer is ‘every day’ then you can skip to the next point. For the rest of you, I cannot stress the importance of making your feelings known. Just like saying thank you, saying I love you goes a long way. Parents, siblings, friends and your partner can feel taken for granted. Showering them with love makes them feel appreciated. And again you have nothing to lose from loving people more.

Image courtesy: http://www.amytangerine.com/blog/2016/6/13/more-love-and

8.Chase a dream

Image courtesy: https://www.alphacodeapparel.com/blog/2015/11/9/202keusjqolug4nkg8a539dz7qin1s

Everyone has a bucket list, even if you don’t call it that. Pick just one thing and make it happen with all your heart. Don’t be afraid to go after it and after all, you do have 365 days to do it. So fail however many times you do, just remember to dust it off and get back up!

So there you have it, a simplified way to become a refined you in the New Year. And with that, I wish you a very happy and fulfilling 2019… But before we part here are some eternal words of motivation to help you on your quest  – “Ek Baar jo maine commitment Kar di uske baad to mai khud ki bhi nahi suntaa ..!” – Salmaan Khan

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Komal R. Lakhani is a writer, blogger and Youtuber. Born and bought up in Mumbai Komal has a Masters in English Literature with a major in History and Psychology, along with being a certified Yoga instructor. She has lived in Canada and the UAE before moving to Hong Kong. “My love for writing developed in school and I haven’t stopped writing since then. My writing is focused on being relatable and striking a chord with the reader, I prefer the use of simple words over complex vocabulary. Besides contributing for various publications, I also maintain a personal blog called Komalskorner.com which is inspired by my life and the people around me. I love to travel, Google everything in world, bake and experiment in the kitchen, in my spare time I also vlog on my YouTube Channel. You can connect with me there or my social media handles @komalrlakhani.


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