Don’t Worry Ask Aunty.

Each issue, we invite readers to send us questions under anonymity about personal dynamics and relations. Here are 4 selected questions from those recently...

The Science Of Crystal Healing

Crystals are a tool for natural healing which can be used by health practitioners to accelerate their own methods. The human body is a...

Life “The” Beauty

CHIDANAND RUPA SHIVOM SHIVOM There is a common perception for oneself, that there are indispensable, this perception may be at the micro level of the...

Tacit Knowledge

We know more than we can tell One of the essential managerial terms that are gaining a wide popularity in management training field is Tacit...

How Do Seasons Affect Colours And Patterns?

How do you feel when you attend a party and people tell you “Wo.OW” you look awesome” (yeah exactly the same words, accentuating each...

Understanding Death

Is there anything which is beyond death, is there anything which can be identified as “rebirth”, is there really anything? There have been many a...

Why We Fall Sick??

CHIDANAND RUPA SHIVOM SHIVOM The author before starting the topic of the article, would like to humbly thank its wise readers who are continually following...

The Last Tinsel Warriors

Hijras- Shadow tribe of the Orient A decayed reminder of Lucknow’s past, Were the transvestites and eunuchs of the ghetto, In women’s’ clothes and with cheap jewellery,...

Discover Your DJs

You may have been fans of their music, but have you ever known who are the players behind some of the great tunes at...

“Just Dance!”, says Rani Asra Gidwani

Some say dance is an art; some apply science. Some use it for a purpose; some seek it out of interest. As the prevalence...